Good data and statistics are the very essential components in any development planning.
It is in the recognition of this fact that the key players and other stakeholders from various departments in Kericho County yesterday held a consultative meeting with a view to analysis, interprete and disseminate the Kericho 2022 Kenya Demographics Health Survey(KDHS) report.
The meeting which brought together Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), economists ,statisticians, financial experts, health officials, civil society and other stakeholders underscored the need of integrating the KDHS factsheet in any decision making process.
According to the CECM in charge of Finance and Economic Planning, Hon. Leonard Ngetich, KDHS report has provided a clear roadmap in the planning of a sustainable healthcare system in the county.
In attendance included, Chief Officer for Economic Planning, Mr.Alphonce Rotich and other government officials.